to update or not to update….

When it comes to change, I find it exciting and frightening at the same time.

In the world of PC software, change is called “update” – and vendors want us to believe that an update is always a change for the better. I develop software for a living, so I can tell you this: most updates don’t result in any improvement. Some updates even result in major setbacks.

I’ve been dealing with those setbacks with regards to one of my favorite pieces of software for a few months now. Ever since Skype decided to force automatic updates on users, beginning with version 6, I was unable to receive calls through my Skype-In phone number on my computer. I always made sure I was logged into Skype on that one computer only, logged out of Skype on all other devices – to no avail. Skype would simply redirect all calls to my cell phone, instead of “ringing” the PC.

Today I solved the problem, though. Sweet victory!

Here’s what I did – just in case you have a similar problem:

  • uninstall Skype
  • download version from
  • install that and say “not now” when it tells you to update to the latest version
  • disable the SkypeUpdater Windows Service
  • find the SkypeSetup.exe in your profile’s appdata/local/temp folder and delete it
  • replace that SkypeSetup.exe with an empty text file
  • deny all permissions for Everyone on the empty text file

Reboot and live happily ever after.