
IMG_20151031_182747.jpgBetween 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Halloween lots of people in costumes, mostly younger children with their parents, tour our neighborhood to ask for candy.

They speak the magic formula “trick or treat”, and I offer the bowl with candy saying “take one, whatever you like”. Their answer is supposed to be “thank you”, then we wish each other “Happy Halloween”; after that they walk to the next house. Business as usual.

This time, however, one approximately seven-year-old girl, dressed up as a purple princess, came with a group of kids and replied to my “take one, whatever you like” with a frown and a “what, only one??”. I was slightly amused, so I said “well, then what is the trick you are now going to play on me?”

The look of utter confusion on that little face was priceless!