Belt and Suspenders for my Webspace

I had to re-learn an old lesson the hard way: never put all your eggs in one basket.

Last Tuesday my webmonitoring service alerted me of the fact that this blog was timing out on visitors. When I tried to log in to the administrator interface on my hosting provider, I found out that that didn’t work either. I received all kinds of nasty responses like “bad gateway” and such. “Support” from my provider only exists in the form of online chat, with some outsourced gimmick in India.

After a lengthy session they at least admitted, that it was an issue on their servers, and there was nothing I could do about it. “So sorry for the inconvenience, we’ll let you know when it is fixed”.
Five days later – still no resolution – I decided on a way forward for myself – whether JustHost gets their act together, or not.

    1. My old blog is still available, and it is working fine – I’ll duplicate all posts on there from now on. Karin’s Adventures (on Blogspirit)
    2. I will set up a “shadow” presence with a different domain name and host it with a (hopefully more reliable, customer friendly) provider. All my pages, including this blog, will be duplicated onto the new domain.