When one Cell Phone is just not enough

Just a few years ago I thought smart phones are unnecessarily complicating people’s lives. Who wants to drag this clunky, expensive, overpowered pocket computer around at all times? But then Google Fi came around, and I caved in. Smart phone it had to be, even for me. It isn’t so bad, now that I solved the “how do I carry that thing?” problem by inventing the ExxoPok.

Last weekend I had another crazy inspiration: an ExxoPok for two cell phones!

Now, that’s phone pouch overkill, you might say. Who’d want to carry two smart phones around? I’ll let you know, that I’m seriously considering doing that myself some day. A few people I know do it already – for different reasons: one phone is for work, one is personal; or you live in an area where network coverage is choppy, so you have two different carriers; or you travel the world, and want to use a local phone at your destination.

But, there are dual SIM phones available, you might say. While that is true, they are all just DSDS – means Dual SIM, Dual Standby – I haven’t seen one true DSDA (dual SIM, dual active) device yet. So, if you are one of those select few who already knows why you need two cell phones, now you could go to my Etsy shop and order one beautiful, handmade by me personally, ExxoPok for them.

ExxoPok for two cellphones