Competitive Online Shopping

I have enjoyed online shopping ever since it became available. My Amazon account dates back to 2001, when they were just an online bookstore. I like the convenience of doing a quick search, price comparisons, browsing dozens of images, reading different customer reviews – and then buying something that will be delivered to my home within a few days, or even the same day in some cases.

With the limitations that the COVID-19 pandemic has imposed on traditional shopping, I’ve been doing even more online. I rarely set foot in a store – other than maybe a grocery store – anymore.

WAKÜ TeleskopleiterWhile Amazon is still my go-to website for starters, I’ve ended up buying things online elsewhere lately. I am a very picky shopper. Stuff that I’d buy is durable, not made in China if at all possible, high-quality – and consequently high-priced for the most part.

Amazon used to appear as the “best-price” leader in the past, but for my very specific search criteria I found, that they don’t always offer the best deals – or maybe just not in Germany.

On this WAKÜ ladder I was able to save 8.8% over Amazon’s price at accipo. My new Sedus Black dot BD-102 office chair costs a lovely 13.9% less when ordered from BLA.

Sedus black dot bd-102 office chairSo, when you find something that you like on Amazon, simply plug the product’s name into a Google search – and find the best price available. This technique works especially well with higher priced items.

Happy shopping!