COVID-19 Positive

The world has been in a state of paralysis for over a year now. Our basic constitutional rights have been violated. We can’t move about, we can’t meet, many of us can’t work, we can’t shop, we can’t go out to eat or see a movie. We feel like we aren’t allowed to live – all because of one invisible enemy: a virus, which we have no medication for, and just recently developed viable vaccines against.

So I really understand why people are angry and protesting, or feeling depressed and helpless. I for myself decided, though, to not indulge in self-pity nor waste my energy on politics. In my experience most situations can also have positive side-effects – you just have to look closely.

For me the COVID-19 pandemic brought some remarkable improvements

my arm after a covid shot

  • I’ve been working from home, saving me about two hours on the daily commute
  • my husband and I are spending more time with each other, doing more things together, strengthening our bond
  • I prepare our meals at home, which promotes mindful eating habits and helps keeping my weight under control
  • I’m at my residence most of the time to take deliveries, manage remodelling projects, and turn this house into a beautiful home
  • my self-confidence received a boost, because I realized that  – despite the global chaos and nonsensical politics – I have a pretty good grip on my personal life
  • once I am fully vaccinated, I’ll be allowed to regain some of my rights – and I will once again treasure the things I used to take for granted before the pandemic.