Adventures 2.0

After 330 posts on an antiquated platform designed in the ’90s I felt it was time for an upgrade on my blog. Several important requirements had to be met: it should not cost more to run, I don’t want to lose any of my old posts, and the platform needs to be future-proof.

What looks easy enough at first glance evolved into a bigger project quickly, once I started thinking about the details.

  • create a subdomain in my webspace
  • install WordPress on it
  • find a suitable theme
  • get plugins (Jetpack, Syndication, Spamprotection)
  • configure my theme
  • make an about page, and a contact form
  • import those 330 old posts from Blogspirit – in chunks of 10 via 33 individual rss feeds

Karin's New Adventures home pageThis is what I’ve come up with. I like the clean, modern look of it. Also WordPress gives me more control and flexibility, so if the fashion trend changes, I can simply “go with the flow” and adapt – instead of having to start over.

What do you think?