Windows 7 Users, beware of Update KB4493132

If you are like me – holding on to old things, resisting change that doesn’t promise tangible improvements, at least within the realm of my personal world – you are probably still running Windows 7 on at least one of your personal computers.

If that’s the case, Microsoft now wants you to buy their newest flavor of everything – because Windows 7 is doomed. They call this “End-Of-Life”, just to make it sound more dramatic. No life will end, though. Not yours, not your computer’s, not even your computer’s software’s. You simply won’t get any updates for your Windows 7 operating system anymore after January 14th 2020.

Remember when Windows 10 first came out? Back then I was introduced to the concept of “nagware”. I spent days searching, just to find out how I could get rid of those stupid, constant messages from Microsoft, telling me I need to have Windows 10 now. I got smarter back then. So, when a new piece of nagware tried to make a dent in my resistance to this latest change, it only took me 30 minutes on Google to learn what’s going on.

Yesterday, when I went to search for updates, and then installed the ones that were “recommended”, my computer had to revert to the previous state – retried the update – restored again – finally came back to life, telling me that update KB4493132 failed to install. That is actually a blessing in disguise! That update is Microsoft’s nagware for the Windows 7 EOL. If it installed successfully, you will receive constant messages about the imminent End-Of-Life for the rest of the year. Maybe even beyond that.

So, next time you do an update on your Windows 7 machine, watch out for this KB4493132. If you already have it, uninstall it – I hope that’s possible. If you don’t have it installed yet, hide it – and make sure it stays hidden.