Old Skills applied to new Situations

DIY haircut When I started cutting my own hair about fourty years ago, I had no idea that this particular skill would come in handy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because hairsalons, like many other personal services, have been locked down in an attempt to reduce the number of new infections in Germany, people here are getting anxious.

If you are used to getting a fresh haircut every six weeks, going without one for over three months can be depressing. You might feel unkempt, scruffy, not really your old confident self. Now that, on top of the many restrictions we are facing, apparently triggered a news-worthy situation. My favorite morning show on TV aired a clip about this “hairy” problem. They interviewed people on the street, asking them how they deal with their new hairdo. One of the show’s hosts even posted a short video of himself cutting his own hair.

I had to laugh at that! My haircut has been do-it-yourself for a long time. Because I like to be independent, and I like the convenience, and I’m just a tad minimalist. So, just for your entertainment, you can now watch me cutting my hair.  Karin cuts her own hair