Are we there yet?

moving boxes in the garageMonths of hard physical work resulted in a perfectly organized, tightly packed, shipment of 79 moving boxes and miscellaneous other items – just what we deemed essential for our move to Germany.
We were prepared to do without our stuff for at least eight weeks – maybe longer, if customs in Germany is curious enough to take a closer look.
I remembered what it is like to live out of a suitcase for extended periods of time, but I didn’t expect to be hit by “reverse culture shock” quite as badly.
Good thing there was plenty of things to do, get organized, complete paperwork, get ready for the new job, clean up our living quarters, so I didn’t have much time to get depressed.

Before you know it, you’re there – and so is your stuff. moving boxes in the basement after the moveAll 79 items are accounted for and in good shape. Customs upon arrival in Germany wanted to x-ray the container, which added to the cost and delayed arrival.
In the end, all is good.

Shouldn’t I be happy that I sold my Motorcycle?

My head tells me this is just one of the things on my list that I have to get done, so that we can move back East of the pond. My heart disagrees! Shut up, heart, you’re being childish – we’ll buy another motorcycle once we’re ready. screenshot of a motorcycle sold on eBay

My buyer seems like a really nice person. He got a very good deal, and is going to have a lot of fun with my HONDA Shadow Aero.

BTW – does it strike anybody else as odd, that eBay suggests I buy a shipping label for my sold item now?