Remembering my Father

Today would have been my father’s 94th birthday. He died May 12th, 2022. By now I’ve gained enough emotional distance to think about him with calm, almost happy, feelings.

When your dad has a page on Wikipedia Wilhelm Brenig it can be hard to find your own path in life. There is really no way you can live up to expectations – be it your own, or your family’s, or your friends’, your colleagues’…..

Karin trying to keep up with WilhelmWhen I was just a child, I simply grabbed his hand and tried to keep up with his long, fast-paced strides. A rather futile endeavour, since my father had clear goals for his future and no patience to wait, or slow down, for anybody.

I learned that sitting around waiting doesn’t get you anywhere. I also learned, much later in life, that you’re missing out on a great deal of beautiful moments if you’re always on the run.

Wilhelm Brenig physics lecture Physics was his life. He breathed quantum mechanics. Hundreds, if not thousands, of students listened to his lectures. I admired the clarity of his thoughts and the depth of his knowledge – wondering if there was room for anything other than physics in his mind. I worked hard in school, but never hard enough. Not being an obvious genius in one specific subject, like my father was, I tried out dozens of different things – and ended up knowing a little bit about all of them.

I learned that, to be really good at something, you have to focus on that one thing exclusively. I also learned, much later in life, that you can have a lot of fun doing different things, even if you’re not an expert.

Wilhelm and Karin going for a walk

It took me a long time to realize, that my father had slowed down enough for me to catch up with him. He retired, he didn’t travel as much and as far anymore, he didn’t lecture anyone anymore. He would actually let me walk right besides him, not a step or two behind. I realized that I am more like him than what I’d dare to admit. There are pictures of myself that remind me of dad’s face.

I learned that I can’t escape my genes, no matter how hard I try. I also learned, much later in life, to just accept the hand I’ve been dealt and make the most of it.

Wilhelm says good-bye

When my father left quietly and peacefully, just going to bed one evening and not waking up the next morning, I was grateful for the opportunity that I had been given to support him during the last few years of his long, successful life.

Danke, Papi.

Belt and Suspenders for my Webspace

I had to re-learn an old lesson the hard way: never put all your eggs in one basket.

Last Tuesday my webmonitoring service alerted me of the fact that this blog was timing out on visitors. When I tried to log in to the administrator interface on my hosting provider, I found out that that didn’t work either. I received all kinds of nasty responses like “bad gateway” and such. “Support” from my provider only exists in the form of online chat, with some outsourced gimmick in India.

After a lengthy session they at least admitted, that it was an issue on their servers, and there was nothing I could do about it. “So sorry for the inconvenience, we’ll let you know when it is fixed”.
Five days later – still no resolution – I decided on a way forward for myself – whether JustHost gets their act together, or not.

    1. My old blog is still available, and it is working fine – I’ll duplicate all posts on there from now on. Karin’s Adventures (on Blogspirit)
    2. I will set up a “shadow” presence with a different domain name and host it with a (hopefully more reliable, customer friendly) provider. All my pages, including this blog, will be duplicated onto the new domain.

32GB just doesn’t cut it for Windows 10.

cheap Windows tabletWhen I saw this deal on Microsoft’s website a few months ago, I thought it was a steal. Just $99 buys me a tablet with Windows 10 on it that I can leave in the office, and use for my personal online activities during lunch break.

Initial set-up wasn’t too bad. I added a 64GB microSD card and installed all extra programs (except my virus protection) on it, to make sure Windows has enough space for itself. For a while that seemed to work, even though the frequent updates, that you can’t do much against, made it hard to find times when I could actually use the tablet for the intended purpose.

But then the “creators update” version 1709 of Windows 10 came along, and that was the end of useful life for my little cheap tablet. While the finished installation might have fitted onto what was left of my 32GB SSD, Windows 10 needs a lot more space during updates – and it will not use the SD-card for that??

I learned my lesson. Went out to eBay and found a refurbished Dell Venue 11 Pro 7140, with 128GB SSD in it. Windows 10 Pro came pre-installed. $209 doesn’t break the bank either, and it has room to grow, even with Windows 10 on it.refurbished Dell Venue Pro 11

So, in case you’re thinking about getting yourself a Windows tablet, make sure it has at least 64GB (or better 128GB) of harddrive space, and 4GB or more of RAM.

Remember Equifax?

Just about four months ago roughly 143 million people – pretty much every adult in the USA – fell victim to Equifax’s lax handling of highly sensitive personal information. While the initial outrage lasted in the media, everybody was eagerly trying to protect what they could – but by now it’s eerily quiet out there.

It’s not over, though. It will never be over. For the rest of your life you will have to watch your credit file, not just with Equifax, but with all three reporting agencies. Good for you, if you placed a security freeze on your credit file with every one of the bureaus. Once your accounts are “frozen”, identity thieves will have to find your PIN code to “unfreeze” them before they can cause you harm.

initial fraud alert on your credit file
Since I am a bit paranoid, I add an extra layer of protection by placing what is called an “initial 90 day fraud alert” with each of the credit bureaus every 100 days. That way, whenever anybody applies for new credit using your personal data, the creditor will have to call a phone number you supplied to make sure it is really you. Also, each time you place an initial fraud alert, you are entitled to another free credit report from that agency.

Now, these credit reporting agencies are not in the business of making your life easier, so they try hard to hide the place where you need to go to fill out their fraud alert form. I bookmarked those links for you, though. You’re welcome.
Equifax fraud alert
Experian fraud alert
Transunion fraud alert


IMG_20160313_143403.jpgSaturday evening I went into the basement to finish making an ExxoPok that I had started on earlier and noticed a small puddle of water right underneath our main drain on the floor.

I knew immediately where that was coming from, because a few years ago the same thing happened. There is a 1.5 foot section of really flimsy tube, made of unknown material, connecting from the copper pipe above into the cast iron drain that goes out.

Last time there was a leak on the bottom of this connection pipe, which we fixed by wrapping water activated fiber-glass epoxy tape around it. This time water was coming out of a growing hole at the top of the connection.

Sunday morning, by the time we had finally made it to Lowe’s and back, to get more of that magic bandage, there was about a gallon of water on the floor, eight big towels soaking wet. Two people using the bathroom, taking showers, washing dishes, didn’t improve the situation.

The tricky part to the job was that wooden door-frame right next to the pipe. We had to carefully saw, drill, chisel away at it to make a gap big enough for me to get my hand through. Once you open the package of that bandage you have to apply it really quickly. The stuff fully sets within 30 minutes. This time I didn’t just wrap the leaky part; I put a full four rolls of the fiber-glass tape all the way around the entire piece of pipe.

That should last a few more years.