Never say Never

I’ve been blogging since 1999. The goal was to learn how to navigate the web, tell people about myself, and practice my writing skills. I used different platforms, whatever the style was at the time. The oldest version of my blog is still out there: Karin’s Adventures

After a few years of happily blogging away, just for my own entertainment, I realized that this wealth of personal history, adorned with lots of pictures I had taken, was totally dependent on somebody else’s hardware for its existence. What if that platform seized to exist? All my posts would be gone!

So, in 2007 I decided to go through that entire blog and copy every single post with all the attached photos into a word document. I was going to just print that out, put it in a binder, and keep it on my bookshelf. But then I thought about the time that would take, and the ink it would need, and the not so impressive looking result that would sit on my shelf, collecting dust. After a little bit of online research I discovered the concept of self-published books. The one provider that I liked the best is Lulu.

Every time I posted a new entry to my blog I also added a page to my book. Once in a while I would order a printed copy of the blog-book and give it to somebody – mostly just family – for a present. I really didn’t think anybody outside of my immediate family would spend money on something they could read online for free. Especially for content that was just personal thoughts, or experiences, of mine. Who would be interested in that?

Book cover "Karin's Adventures" vol. 2Well, never say never……. today Lulu notified me of a payment they made to my Paypal account. On April 4th a person in the US bought a paperback copy of volume 2 of my adventures.

After production cost and tax had been deducted, I ended up earning $7.12 – way more than I had ever expected. I don’t know who the buyer was. I’m thinking it must have been someone who knows me personally from somewhere. Makes me feel special. Thank you, unknown reader.

New Domain, same Adventures

new domain same adventures

I had been hosting my domain and its pages on the same webspace provided by for over 15 years. Everything was OK – some minor problems with outages and failed software upgrades, also lousy customer service when those problems happened – but then I realized that I was paying over $230 annually for this little playground of mine.

Sorry, that’s just too much!

I also wanted a .de top level domain name, so I started looking around. I’m happy to report: my new hosting provider is now – company headquarters in Munich. Domain name is included for free in my basic package. Plenty of space for what I need – and at a fourth of the price. Also, the site is now secure, starts with https:// – some viewers find that important.

Can’t beat that!

So, my job over the weekend was to move my content and check for broken links. Wasn’t too hard.

Competitive Online Shopping

I have enjoyed online shopping ever since it became available. My Amazon account dates back to 2001, when they were just an online bookstore. I like the convenience of doing a quick search, price comparisons, browsing dozens of images, reading different customer reviews – and then buying something that will be delivered to my home within a few days, or even the same day in some cases.

With the limitations that the COVID-19 pandemic has imposed on traditional shopping, I’ve been doing even more online. I rarely set foot in a store – other than maybe a grocery store – anymore.

WAKÜ TeleskopleiterWhile Amazon is still my go-to website for starters, I’ve ended up buying things online elsewhere lately. I am a very picky shopper. Stuff that I’d buy is durable, not made in China if at all possible, high-quality – and consequently high-priced for the most part.

Amazon used to appear as the “best-price” leader in the past, but for my very specific search criteria I found, that they don’t always offer the best deals – or maybe just not in Germany.

On this WAKÜ ladder I was able to save 8.8% over Amazon’s price at accipo. My new Sedus Black dot BD-102 office chair costs a lovely 13.9% less when ordered from BLA.

Sedus black dot bd-102 office chairSo, when you find something that you like on Amazon, simply plug the product’s name into a Google search – and find the best price available. This technique works especially well with higher priced items.

Happy shopping!

Another Milestone reached

weight loss milestone less than 30% body fatWho said that an old woman can’t loose weight? Yes, it is harder than it used to be when I was younger, but it still works the same way it did 30 years ago: you have to watch what you eat, when you eat, and what you do while you’re not eating.

For me the hardest part was figuring out when to eat, but once I got that figured out – I’m now following a very easy intermittent fasting schedule of 10 hours feeding time, and 14 hours fasting time – the weight started to come off at a healthy, slow and steady, pace.

Today I reached a personal milestone: body fat percentage below 30%

Are Screen Protectors even still a Thing?

Gorilla glass on most cell phones supposedly doesn’t need a screen protector, but I’m not sure if I want to trust that claim. So the first thing I always do with a new phone, or tablet, or e-reader, is get a screen protector for it. Not just any screen protector, though. I am very picky when it comes to that. It has to be a matte, non-glare finish. Definitely no tempered glass, if I can avoid it. With most devices now having more or less curved screens, application can be a real problem – unless it is a wet application film.
IQ Shield screen protector on Samsung Galaxy A50
There are only two companies in the market offering my kind of screen protector: Armorsuit and IQ Shield

Since Armorsuit doesn’t make screen protectors for devices that aren’t available in the US, I had to get the wet application film for my new Samsung Galaxy A50 from IQ Shield. Perfect result, makes me happy.