Keep it simple – a brief Guide to Skin Care

My general approach to life is to not overthink it. I’m keeping it simple, easy, practical, just letting nature run its course, and going with the flow. I realize that this may not be the best way to handle all aspects of everybody’s life on a global level, but I believe it works very well for most of the situations I have encountered in my little niche of the Universe.

Usually I let everybody come to their own conclusions about how to handle things, I don’t give advice unasked for – but when somebody asks for it, I’ll freely share my opinion – keep it simple, don’t overthink it, doing less is often more.
So, when somebody asks me “What do you do to your skin that it looks so good?”, I will thank them for this lovely compliment – and then tell them: “not much.”

Actually, I do almost nothing to my face: I wash it twice a day with lukewarm water (absolutely no soap, or any other additives), and then I apply Nivea Creme lightly to the drier areas (on the cheeks, and around the eyes) without rubbing too much. When I spend a lot of time outside in the sun, I might apply sunscreen on top of that, or try to stay in the shade. I never use any kind of make-up, except during Carnival or Halloween to go with my costume.
German Nivea Creme
If you want to try it for yourself, make sure you get the original Nivea Creme, made in Germany. I import my supply for a year when I travel to Germany for vacation, but you can also order it on Amazon: original German Nivea Creme

Just make sure you are getting the genuine German product, really made in Germany – not Mexico, Thailand, or wherever else.