Blackout? Prepare for Wild Camping – You’ll be fine

The current energy crisis – if that is even a thing yet – has people worried about potential wide-spread, long-lasting black-outs. While I agree that the potential for these is real in Germany, especially as the winter comes up on us, I consider myself well prepared to survive at least two weeks without electricity.

Just think about what “no electricity” at home really means: it’s simply wild camping without the tent.

Unlike in the US or Canada, wild camping is generally prohibited everywhere in Germany – unless you do it on private ground with the owner’s permission. So, when your power goes out, enjoy your unexpected legal wild camping trip. Just make sure you have your supplies ready.

My list is sorted by priorities – the most important thing first:

  • bottled water, 3 litres per day per person
  • flashlights and batteries for those
  • portable toilet with baggies, gelling powder, and wet wipes
  • non-perishable food that doesn’t need refrigeration
  • essential medication (if you need to take any)
  • camping cooker or grill
  • disposable dishes and silver ware
  • sanitizer
  • cash
  • keep your car fuelled/charged
  • solar (or gasoline) powered inverter generator
  • charge your cell phone, if you can (but don’t expect to have a network available)
  • plenty of large, sealable plastic trash bags
  • if you have pets, consider their needs too

Some things are nice to have, like a way to heat your house with wood, or a filled rain barrel in the back yard. If you have to leave your house, make sure the pipes won’t freeze.
Also, don’t forget you’re not alone. There may be neighbours, or relatives, who are not as prepared as yourself. Help them!

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