The first Night in our new House

view down my stairsIt took longer than we had planned. There were obstacles that we hadn’t anticipated. The Covid-19 pandemic, for one, and all the restrictions that came with it, made it next to impossible to go house-shopping. Persistence paid off, though.

This was only the second house we had looked at since moving to Germany in September last year. It offered everything that we wanted: plenty of space, close enough to where my parents live, not too close to the big city, but still within reach of it.

The owners, a young couple with two small children, were planning a third child – and wanted a house which would better meet their needs. I understand the reasoning – our house has plenty of space, divided into large open areas, with only three bedrooms. The master bedroom is reasonably sized, but the two children’s rooms (now our guest room and office) are just 97 and 130 square feet, respectively.

Now, I thought there would have been ways to modify the setup to accomodate a third child, but of course I didn’t share my ideas. Especially after I realized that the wife was reluctant to sell. She must have loved the place and grown attached to it over the roughly six years that the family lived there.

Today was the first night we spent in our own house. There is a lot of empty space to fill between the partially finished basement and the third floor. We have no furniture, no refrigerator, no washer or dryer. We slept in our bedroom right under the roof, on air mattresses. Breakfast the next morning – champagne and smoked salmon – came out of our electric camping cooler.

Life is good!

Competitive Online Shopping

I have enjoyed online shopping ever since it became available. My Amazon account dates back to 2001, when they were just an online bookstore. I like the convenience of doing a quick search, price comparisons, browsing dozens of images, reading different customer reviews – and then buying something that will be delivered to my home within a few days, or even the same day in some cases.

With the limitations that the COVID-19 pandemic has imposed on traditional shopping, I’ve been doing even more online. I rarely set foot in a store – other than maybe a grocery store – anymore.

WAKÜ TeleskopleiterWhile Amazon is still my go-to website for starters, I’ve ended up buying things online elsewhere lately. I am a very picky shopper. Stuff that I’d buy is durable, not made in China if at all possible, high-quality – and consequently high-priced for the most part.

Amazon used to appear as the “best-price” leader in the past, but for my very specific search criteria I found, that they don’t always offer the best deals – or maybe just not in Germany.

On this WAKÜ ladder I was able to save 8.8% over Amazon’s price at accipo. My new Sedus Black dot BD-102 office chair costs a lovely 13.9% less when ordered from BLA.

Sedus black dot bd-102 office chairSo, when you find something that you like on Amazon, simply plug the product’s name into a Google search – and find the best price available. This technique works especially well with higher priced items.

Happy shopping!

Four Decades to go around full Circle

The “new normal”, that we are all enjoying right now, makes me reflect more on where I’ve come from, where I am, and where I’m headed with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The past nine months felt a little bit like being reborn, and a very familiar feeling for that matter – I’ve been reborn at least once before, in 2006.

I had to leave my home, my job, many of my friends, things that I’d grown attached to, and habits that I’d formed once again – all that just to go back to live in the same house that I left over fourty years ago, hoping to become an even better person, hoping to build an even better life, and helping others along the way.

As I laid in my bed one night, just before falling asleep, this image of my younger self popped into my mind: my head had been in the exact same place – just my feet were pointing South back then, while they are pointing East now.

So, you tell me, has anything even changed while I was busy changing myself and the circumstances?

Karin 1979 and 2019Life is good

Our liberties will hopefully return some day

Happiness is the one thing we personally control

Are we there yet?

moving boxes in the garageMonths of hard physical work resulted in a perfectly organized, tightly packed, shipment of 79 moving boxes and miscellaneous other items – just what we deemed essential for our move to Germany.
We were prepared to do without our stuff for at least eight weeks – maybe longer, if customs in Germany is curious enough to take a closer look.
I remembered what it is like to live out of a suitcase for extended periods of time, but I didn’t expect to be hit by “reverse culture shock” quite as badly.
Good thing there was plenty of things to do, get organized, complete paperwork, get ready for the new job, clean up our living quarters, so I didn’t have much time to get depressed.

Before you know it, you’re there – and so is your stuff. moving boxes in the basement after the moveAll 79 items are accounted for and in good shape. Customs upon arrival in Germany wanted to x-ray the container, which added to the cost and delayed arrival.
In the end, all is good.

Shouldn’t I be happy that I sold my Motorcycle?

My head tells me this is just one of the things on my list that I have to get done, so that we can move back East of the pond. My heart disagrees! Shut up, heart, you’re being childish – we’ll buy another motorcycle once we’re ready. screenshot of a motorcycle sold on eBay

My buyer seems like a really nice person. He got a very good deal, and is going to have a lot of fun with my HONDA Shadow Aero.

BTW – does it strike anybody else as odd, that eBay suggests I buy a shipping label for my sold item now?